The Weekly Bulldog Submission Guidelines

  1. The purpose of the Bulldog is to highlight activities, special events and needs of the school and its children.
  2. Primary contributors are HASA, CYO and the school administration. Others should be cleared by the principal.
  3. No classifieds for personal gain or that would undermine the paying advertisers who support our school on our communication envelopes, homework books and folders.
  4. The principal should have final say over all Bulldog content.
  5. The format should remain a Word document for ease of editing by school administration.
  6. Graphics and clip art should be:
    • Public domain
    • Small and simple so as to copy well in black & white.
  7. Submissions to the Bulldog should be made:
    • To by 3:00 PM on Wednesday of each week for inclusion in the Thursday Bulldog.
    • Microsoft Word format only.
    • Any late submissions will be held until the following week unless approved by the principal due to time sensitivity.
  8. Information regarding summer camps, professional tutoring, or other services in our area that may be of interest to our students and parents, may be included in the Bulldog at the discretion of the principal, At times fliers may be distributed to publicize an event or activity, however, these fliers should be provided by the organization and would not include personal/private individuals where security clearances and proof of insurance may cause a liability for our school.