St. Norbert School History
Saint Norbert Parish operates under the auspices of the Norbertine Fathers, who founded our school in 1956. The original school building and rectory were both constructed in 1957, and the Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart came to begin instruction. Although they are no longer present in the school, the spirit and philosophy of the Grey Nun community continues to live on. The children continue their devotion to St. Marguerite d’Youville, as well to our patron St. Norbert.
During the period 1957 through 1985 the school flourished. The Chapel, originally located in the school, gave way to a new Church, built in 1985. The first floor of the school building was converted into four classrooms, a computer lab, a library, a music room and an art room.
In 1992, a Parish Activity Center was constructed, featuring a gymnasium that continues to serve the physical education and athletic needs of our children.
A magnificent Bell Tower adorned the grounds in 1996. The school dining hall was modernized in 2000, and extensive renovations were made to the building in the succeeding years. Building on faith, a new addition was erected in 2005 to add classroom space, a reception area, a suite of offices and a faculty lounge.
The library, science lab, technology center, art studio, music room and Kindergarten were expanded at this time. The building was named the Saint Norbert Education Center, home to all the educational ministries of the parish.
Saint Norbert School received accreditation from the Middle States Association of Colleges & Schools, Commission on Elementary Schools in October 1996. All standards for re-accreditation were met in the Fall of 2023. The school was also awarded the National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence by the Department of Education in 2015 and 2021.
School Founded
Saint Norbert Parish operates under the auspices of the Norbertine Fathers, who founded our school in 1956.
The Grey Nuns Of The Sacred Heart
The original school building and rectory were both constructed in 1957, and the Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart came to begin instruction. Although they are no longer present in the school, the spirit and philosophy of the Grey Nun community continues to live on. The children continue devotion to St. Marguerite d’Youville, as well to our patron, St. Norbert.
The School Flourished
During the period 1957 through 1985 the school flourished. The Chapel, originally located in the school, gave way to a new Church, built in 1985. The first floor of the school building was converted into four classrooms, a computer lab, a library, a music room and an art room.
Parish Activity Center
In 1992, a Parish Activity Center was constructed, featuring a gymnasium that continues to serve the physical education and athletic needs of our children.
The Bell Tower And Accreditation
A magnificent Bell Tower adorned the grounds in 1996. Saint Norbert School received accreditation from the Middle States Association of Colleges & Schools, Commission on Elementary Schools in October 1996.
Modernization And Renovations
The school dining hall was modernized in 2000, and extensive renovations were made to the building in the succeeding years.
The Saint Norbert Education Center
Building on faith, a new addition was erected in 2005 to add classroom space, a reception area, a suite of offices and a faculty lounge. The library, science lab, technology center, art studio, music room and Kindergarten were expanded at this time. The building was named the Saint Norbert Education Center, home to all the educational ministries of the parish.
All standards for re-accreditation were met in the Fall of 2007 following an extensive self-study, with special focus in the areas of Reading, Science and Technology. The evaluation report commended the school for excellence not only in these fields, but also in the areas of Philosophy, Leadership and Governance, Student Services, and Resources.
Middle State Re-Accreditation
All standards were met in the Fall of 2014. The accreditation process happens every 7 years.
The Prestigious National Blue Ribbon Award
In 2015, Saint Norbert School was one of only 50 private schools to be named as a Blue Ribbon school. The prestigious National Blue Ribbon Award is given by the Department of Education and honors public and private elementary, middle, and high schools where students either achieve very high learning standards or are making notable improvements in closing the achievement gap.
Inspiring And Committed
As of the 2020-2021 school year, there are 217 children attending in Grades Pre-K thru 8th, and thriving under our inspiring and committed faculty and under the leadership of our Principal of 11 years, Mrs. Mary Kay Hennessy.
The Prestigious National Blue Ribbon Award
In 2021, Saint Norbert’s School earned the prestigious honor of being named a Blue Ribbon school. St. Norbert is a two time winner of this award and recognized as an Exemplary High-Performing School. Our school was one of only 13 private schools to receive the award in Pennsylvania, which is given by the Department of Education and honors public and private elementary, middle, and high schools where students either achieve very high learning standards or are making notable improvements in closing the achievement gap.
Archdiocese School of Distinguished Instruction
In 2021, Saint Norbert School was named an Archdiocese School of Distinguished Instruction.
Archdiocese School of Distinguished Instruction
In 2022, Saint Norbert School was named an Archdiocese School of Distinguished Instruction.
Archdiocese School of Distinguished Instruction
In 2023, Saint Norbert School was named an Archdiocese School of Distinguished Instruction.
Archdiocese School of Distinguished Instruction
In 2024, Saint Norbert School was named an Archdiocese School of Distinguished Instruction.