Our Parish

You Are Welcome Here
St. Norbert Parish aspires to become one in Christ as a community of fervent disciples who listen attentively for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and who lovingly embrace Jesus present in the poor, the alienated, and the spiritually hungry. Amen.
Saint Norbert, Minister of Peace and Concord, pray for us.
The Saint Norbert Parish community is thriving! All are invited to pray with us in our extraordinary journey of faith. Join us in all that we do to carry out our mission as Disciples of Christ by reaching out to the poor, the alienated and the spiritually hungry. Come share the joy that is Jesus here at Saint Norbert Parish!
There are also various opportunities for growth and community building throughout the week along with many opportunities for service. The group has a core leadership team of adults, coordinated by our Youth Minister, Mark Griswold. Contact: Mark Griswold, Director of Family Life and CaFFE, at 610.644.1655, extension 114 or caffedirector@stnorbert.org.
For Saint Norbert’s parishoners, children celebrate their sacraments in:
2nd Grade – Reconciliation and First Holy Communion
8th Grade – Confirmation
For more information about St. Norbert Parish, click here or call the Parish Office at 610-644-1655 to schedule a meeting with our Pastor, Father Steven Albero.