Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) Program
St. Norbert School is eligible to receive corporate gifts through the Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) Program, a tax credit program offered by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Companies that do business and pay corporate and other taxes in Pennsylvania can receive substantial tax credits by redirecting their state tax dollars to St. Norbert School in support of scholarships for deserving students.
The EITC Program benefits students by providing a wonderful opportunity to not only the business making the donation, but also the students who rely on this support in order to attend St. Norbert School.
Tax credits start at 75% of the donation amount for a one-year contribution and increase to 90% for a two-year contribution. Tax credits can be applied to as much as $800,000 in contributions each year through both EITC and OSTC programs. Furthermore, the 25% (or 10% for two-year commitment) that is not included in the tax credit may be claimed as a charitable donation on your federal tax return, which would reduce the cost of your donation to almost nothing!
St. Norbert School receives approximately $25,000 annually in EITC funds, which has made the critical difference in many students’ lives by providing them the opportunity of an outstanding Catholic education.
Please contact Mary Kay Hennessy, Principal, at mkhennessy@stnorbert.org or Elizabeth Milne, Advancement Coordinator, at emilne@stnorbert.org to learn more about EITC donations or the application process.
Important Dates
May 15
Business applicants who have fulfilled their 2-year commitment and wish to reapply to renew their 2-year commitment.
May 15
Businesses who are in the middle of their 2-year commitment.
July 1
All other businesses including Pre-K business applications. Business firms may now agree to provide the same amount of contribution to a Pre-K scholarship organization for two consecutive years.