Volunteer Requirements

The assistance of parent volunteers is greatly appreciated and encouraged. Volunteers play an important role in the quality of life in our school. The assistance and support they offer to staff and students is invaluable, and their contributions are part of what makes St. Norbert School special.

For required clearances and directions on how to obtain them, click here.  

Volunteers help in building a strong learning community in some of the following ways:

  • Library Aides
  • Lunch Aide
  • Recess Monitors
  • Homeroom Parents
  • Extracurricular Activities

Parents are urged to take an active part in their child’s education by volunteering whenever and wherever possible. A volunteer form is sent home in the family envelope each year for those parents or family members who would like to share their time and talents with us. Click here for the volunteer form.  It is important for parents/guardians to “lend a hand” in whatever way possible. The following guidelines have been developed to assist in serving in this unique capacity.

Offering to volunteer assumes your understanding and agreement with these guidelines.

  1. Confidentiality: Information you may see or hear can affect the lives and futures of individual students. Volunteers must respect the privacy of this information and maintain the same in strict confidence. This same standard of confidentiality applies to policy statements and school procedures.
  2. Relations with students: Volunteers are viewed by students and parents as representatives of the School Administration, and are perceived by students as authority figures. When students raise issues of a personal or controversial nature, volunteers are placed in a difficult position. If there is any suggestion that a student has suffered any form of abuse, the volunteer is mandated by law to report the claim or suspicion to the school administrator. S/he will investigate the matter and forward the concern to appropriate agencies, as indicated.
  3. Attendance: Teachers depend upon and plan on the assistance of volunteers on a regular basis. Volunteers are encouraged to notify the school in advance as soon as possible if they are unable to help at their regular time.

Volunteers must have the following clearances on record:

  • PA Criminal Record Check (within one calendar year)
  • PA Child Abuse History Clearance (within one calendar year)
  • Mandated Reporter Certificate
  • Verification of Safe Environment Training: Protecting God’s Children.

The Criminal Record Check and Child Abuse History must be renewed every five years; the Safe Environment Training need not be renewed. Checklists are issued to each parent in August, so that they may review their current eligibility status as a volunteer. Applications for clearances may be picked up in the school office, downloaded here or copied from the appendix in this handbook. The school staff will gladly assist prospective volunteers with the process, so that everyone may enjoy the opportunity to serve the children of St. Norbert School and Parish. Honoring our commitment to protect the safety of all our children, adults who are not in compliance with the above protocols will not be permitted participation as a volunteer.

Every student is expected to show courtesy and respect to all volunteers.

Requests should be completed and returned directly to the local School District Transportation Office.  Requests should not be submitted to St. Norbert School.

Volunteer Form

Child's Name
Playground Duty
These volunteers are responsible for monitoring the playground during the lunch periods. (11:50am-1:20pm)
HASA School Events
Lunch Aide
Responsibilities include serving lunch to students and assisting with tray and kitchen clean up daily from 12:10 to 1:10.
Homeroom Volunteer
Responsibilities include coordinating volunteers from within the class to provide refreshments, goodies, etc. for holiday parties or special events.
Buddy Family
Buddy families are needed to contact new families coming into the school. They will try to address any questions the new family may have and provide guidance during their first year at St. Norbert and beyond. Assistance provided by the SNS Advancement Coordinator.
Uniform Exchange
Organizer Volunteers are needed to organize and maintain the SNS uniform exchange.

Saint Norbert Catholic School

National Blue Ribbon Of Excellence Award “Two Time Winner”

The National Blue Ribbon Schools Program recognizes outstanding public and non-public schools. In identifying several hundred outstanding schools annually, the program celebrates school excellence, turn around stories, and closing subgroup achievement gaps.


Admissions Inquiry Form

The first step of the Admissions Process is to schedule a tour to to give your family an opportunity to get to know what makes St. Norbert School unique. Please fill out the form and Lara Ciesinski, Enrollment Coordinator, will be in touch with a time that suits your schedule.

Admissions Inquiry Form

The first step of the Admissions Process is to schedule a tour to to give your family an opportunity to get to know what makes St. Norbert School unique. Please fill out the form and Lara Ciesinski, Enrollment Coordinator, will be in touch with a time that suits your schedule.

Child's Name(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Grades Inquiring About(Required)