About St. Norbert School
Saint Norbert School is dedicated to the education of children from pre-kindergarten through eighth grade in a safe, Christ-centered environment.
The Catholic identity of our students is formed daily through religion class, morning prayers, First Friday mass, weekly Adoration, Penance Services as well as seasonal events including Stations of the Cross, the Christmas Nativity, and the May Procession. The faculty and staff act as true role models for our students to look up to as they learn to follow in the footsteps of Christ.
The academic curriculum at St. Norbert’s is rigorous and relevant, utilizing various methods of instruction and assessment to best prepare our students to reach their fullest potential. Technology is integrated into many of the classes as appropriate to enhance the learning process. Our Upper School’s curriculum is bolstered through 1:1 computing and the use of Chromebooks daily in the classroom and at home, with iPads provided to each Lower School classroom to complement traditional learning approaches. We round out the educational experience with a wide selection of extra-curricular activities to engage the various interests of our students – from sports teams and service clubs, to a host of cultural arts opportunities.
We are proud of the accomplishments of our current students and graduates. Our Terra Nova testing scores are above the local, diocese and national levels, and, in 2025 our 8th graders earned $ 607,500 to archdiocesan and private high schools.
We invite you to stop by and see for yourself what makes St. Norbert such a special faith-based community for students to learn and grow! Please contact Lara Ciesinski, our enrollment coordinator, at lciesinski@stnorbert.org for more information.
Saint Norbert School Mission Statement
With Jesus as our model, Saint Norbert School provides an educational journey to excellence, by nurturing each child spiritually, academically, physically and socially in a caring environment that embraces diversity. In partnership with parents, we encourage students to become active citizens, future leaders in their church and responsible stewards of our world.
Belief Statements
- We believe Jesus is our model and the center of our teaching. Students will come to know Him through prayer, the sacraments, service and the example of clergy, teachers, staff and peers.
- We believe self-respect, personal dignity and a safe, positive learning environment are requisites for all students to reach their full potential.
- We believe differentiated instruction, collaborative learning strategies and 1:1 learning with technology are essential in educating and preparing our students for future success.
- We believe a rigorous curriculum fosters the acquisition of critical thinking skills and formulates independent thinkers.
- We believe successful learning is achieved by the relationships formed and the responsibilities shared among parents, teachers and students.