Advisory Board
St. Norbert School Advisory Board provides guidance and high level direction to the principal and pastor, by leveraging their expertise in marketing, finance, strategic planning and development.
The Advisory Board assists the school in its mission of providing academic excellence in a Catholic environment, accessible to all who desire it. The Board consists of parents, parishioners and businesspersons alike, all of whom have a vested interest in the success of the school. The board is always looking for talented individuals willing to volunteer.
2024-2025 Executive Committee |
2024-2025 Members |
Father Steven Albero, O. Praem Pastor |
Lara Ciesinski Enrollment Coordinator |
Mary Kay Hennessy Principal |
Elizabeth Milne Advancement Coordinator |
Dr. Joanne McAdams Chair – Executive Committee |
Cathy Link Facilities Management |
Elizabeth Milne Chair – Development Committee |
Bob Dietrich KOC/Parish Representative |
Val DiGiorgio Chair – Finance Committee |
Frank Schulupp Technology Liaison |
Eileen Watson H.A.S.A. Co-President |
Brian Boyer St. Norbert CYO President |
Paula Williams H.A.S.A Co-President |
Tom Lengel Parish Representative |
Shannon Boyle Secretary | Dave Savage Parent Representative |