One of the most special days at St. Norbert School is our annual Grand VIP Day where we welcome our students’ grandparents and special friends and visitors to our school.
We asked two of our cherished VIP’s what Grand VIP Day means to them, and we received these heartfelt responses:
“I am very fortunate to live close to St. Norbert and my grandchildren. I truly enjoy the fact that I have the opportunity to attend many events at St. Norbert, including CYO soccer and field hockey games and first Friday Mass each month. But, my favorite day of the entire year by far is Grand VIP Day.
Grand VIP day is so special to me. It begins with a beautiful prayer service – the children’s singing and readings are so moving and set the tone for the day.Immediately following, I love to come into the school, enjoy the wonderful hospitality and visit my grandchildren in their classrooms.Seeing the children interact with their amazingly talented teachers brings such joy to my wife and me.The teachers at St. Norbert are truly gifts who have been called to this profession by God. The day wraps up with the most mind-blowing performance in the gym. For the past several years, I can assure you, that there is not a dry eye in the house by the end of the show. The younger children sing patriotic songs. Then, the older children perform each song for the branches of the Armed Services while those in the audience who have served in that branch stand. Then, the seventh and eighth grades recite the poem Old Glory while performing the flag ceremony.Last year, I had the distinct privilege to have my brother’s flag used in the ceremony.It was such an honor for me as my brother was killed in World War Two. To have my granddaughter be a part of this flag ceremony using my brother’s flag was a moment that I will never forget. I would like to thank everyone at St. Norbert who works so hard to make this a wonderful day for all of the Grand VIPs. We truly appreciate all of your efforts. God Bless You”
– Carl Peretta (grandfather to Jack Perretta, ’14; Kate Perretta ’16.Megan Elguicze; ’18 Lauren Elguicze, Grade 7; Will Perretta, Grade 6
“For many years, my husband and I have had the pleasure of attending Grand VIP Day at Saint Norbert’s School. It is a memorable morning of prayer, song, patriotism, honor and hospitality presented by the students and faculty of SNS. This occasion invites Grand VIPs to become better acquainted with their special student(s)’ school community and share with them many aspects of their school life. Not only is it a great day for the Grand VIPs but the students smiles and enthusiasm reflect their excitement to “show off” their school to the special people in their lives. Thank you to Mrs. Hennessy, the students and faculty for hosting this wonderful event.”
– Bernie and Rich Annechini
Grandparents of Emily Klaiber & Gavin Hoffman, Grade 5; Katie Klaiber, Grade 7; Olivia Hoffman ‘18; Caroline Klaiber ‘17: Ryan Hoffman ‘16