Class of 2020 United in Service to Others
A very meaningful part of the graduation experience as each eighth-grade class prepares to go their separate ways for high school is a shared service project. This year was no exception, as the students and their families worked together to donate food and non-perishables to support 60 families in need in our parish and also stock the St. Gabriel Food Cupboard in Norristown.
Ed Grady, St. Norbert’s Director of Parish Outreach Services, reminded the students what Jesus taught us: “When you feed those who are hungry, you are also feeding me.” In thanking the eighth graders and their families for their incredible generosity, he said: “There are many people out there who simply do not have enough food to provide for themselves and their children. I wish you could see the smiles on the faces of the 60 families when they came in and saw the food you shared with them.”
We are so proud of the Class of 2020 who, despite being apart, was united in service to others.