Preparation pays off with transition to distance learning
This spring as schools across the country scrambled to react to COVID-related school closures and stay-at-home requirements, St Norbert School quickly transitioned to a virtual classroom environment.
“Fortunately our Upper School students were already assigned iPads or Chromebooks as part of our regular curriculum,” said SNS Principal Mary Kay Hennessy, “and our Lower School students also use iPads regularly in their classrooms. That preparation helped us shift quickly to virtual classroom instruction.”
For the remaining months of the school year, SNS students received daily, online instruction across all major subject areas and continued weekly co-curricular instruction in Spanish, technology, art and music. Frequent communication and opportunities for parents to provide feedback allowed for continued enhancements to the program throughout the remainder of the school year.
At home, one parent noted “My children have grown in their ability to adapt, manage their time and be flexible.” Another SNS parent commented, “SNS hit the ground running enabling their students to be intelligently primed for the coming school year.”