Service Projects Abound this Fall at SNS
As part of the St Norbert School commitment to service, the community has participated in several service projects and collections this fall. These efforts on the part of the students instill empathy and a dedication to service that will continue throughout their lives.
In September, the community collected jars of peanut butter and jelly for the St. Gabe’s Food Cupboard serving our local needy. Nearly 100 jars were collected for this worthy cause.
In October, which is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the students and faculty dressed in various shades of pink for our annual Pink Out. We collected $1,100 to be donated for Unite for Her, an organization that supports cancer warriors going through breast cancer treatments.
During October’s Buddy Day, the students decorated chemo bags for chemo patients at local hospitals. The students were asked to use their own money or do chores around the house to help purchase items to fill the bag. They took pride in picking out small gifts like lip balm, cozy socks and activities to pass the time during chemo treatments. 181 chemo bags were delivered by Mrs. Klunk to four area oncology centers.
We are proud of the service work we have done so far this year and look forward to many more philanthropic endeavors as the year continues.